Dear Rice Families and Staff;
Our annual Thanksgiving Lunch will be Friday, November 22nd. Lunch times are listed below. Students are encouraged to invite two adults to join them for this fun event. Lunch will be traditional Thanksgiving fare and will cost $5.00 cash only please. We have no way to process credit/debit card transactions. Younger siblings may attend and lunch will be charged at $5 per person. Tickets can be purchased at the door. Rice students do not have to pay.
Kinder Lunch - 10:45
1st Grade Lunch - 11:35
2nd Grade Lunch - 11:10
3rd Grade Lunch - 12:45
4th Grade Lunch - 12:25
5th Grade Lunch - 12:00
Volunteer Link:
Please note that our Lost and Found is getting very full - take a moment while you are here for lunch to look through to see what belongs to your family!
We look forward to this lunch every year! We love having the chance to give thanks for our wonderful Rice community.